Brief 1 – Appropriation (Submission)

for this brief I wanted to convey a sense of cynicism. this was inspired by a photographer who I found during my research by the name of Daniel Greer. Greer takes pre-existing images and the puts a heavy tone of cynicism on them. this is what I wanted to replicate using pawn shops of offer high interest loans and an image of the sign outside a gambling shop. these two adverts was a good and easy target for me to sue as i can try and bring out the almost evil nature of them. I did this by adjusting the shadows and adding an ominous tone of red, which is somewhat symbolic of evil.


Photoshop experiment 1

Daniel Greer’s website.

Brief 4 – Home (submssion)

for this brief I decided that I wanted to go for a theme of construction. This is because my home town, Bury St. Edmunds underwent a very quick transformation that really modernised my home town and I fell this is rings true within Lincoln.

for my research I looked into photographer who mapped city’s and how they changed. I found one Photographer who was particularly interesting called Sohei Nishino. Nishino took around 10,000 photos of London in order to edit down and make into a literal map. this i found interesting because it captures the soul of the city and presents it in a clear and thought provoking way. however Nishino was only my thematic inspiration, my physical inspiration comes from a photographer by the name of Edward Burtynsky

Burtynsky tasked himself with capturing the processes of industry, I liked this also mechanical approach of photography and wanted to implement it using a similar theme, the theme of construction.







Edward Burtynsky’s website